I am

I am

I am

I am





Builder & Creator.

Builder & Creator.

Builder & Creator.

Builder & Creator.

Action above

Action above

Action above

Action above

all else.

all else.

all else.

all else.

Reveries and testaments.

Reveries and testaments.

Reveries and testaments.

Reveries and testaments.

I value action above

I value action above

I value action above

I value action above

everything else.

everything else.

everything else.

everything else.

I deeply care about health improvement and nutrition, incubating talent, optimizing productivity, music production and AI. And speaking. I excel at vecoming an insider in record time, building communities, executing operations-heavy projects, pulling together teams of A-Players, Whiteboarding, and creative content creation.


Profitable Companies

1600 +


100 +

DJ Sets Played

60 +

Articles Written




What I am currently working on:

Discover my impressive projects with innovative ideas. See for yourself why I stand out.


How I Work

Some companies have been built in silence for years, for example Figma. I operate differently.

01. Find a trendy yet foundation-based Whitespace

There can be an advantage to being an outsider. Example: The Entrepreneurship Ecosystem at public universites, which are rarely centralized and leave room for new, better incubators. This is how AI Entrepreneurs at Berkeley was born. The launch of ChatGPT coincidentally fuelled the launch, but we still had to skip class and do the work.

02. Recruit a Hungry Team

There has to be a visionary. Assemble the a team of people who want to prove something. Drive > Experience. Friends > strangers > old friends. Convince a few advisors for social trust and credit. Keep them out of operations

03. Risk your Reputation

With a clear concept in mind, we move to the design phase. This is where I weave together visual elements, user-friendly interfaces, and all the creative components that will make your project stand out.

04. Plan(ning)

Plans are useless, but planning is indispensable. I intentionally listed “Plan” after getting the team. If you plan too early, chances are you will never start. Which is how I approached this website.

05. Learn about the people in the space more than the space itself

If you’re an outsider, you can’t become a subject matter expert quickly anyways. Focus on early traction, an audacious vision, and focus on getting the important, seasoned stakeholder on your side and as advisors. It will be hard. Reach out relentlessly.

06. Execute Religiously

Skip everything; social gatherings, zoom calls, everything. Just execute. Success compounds. Pivot, but do not quit at the first obstacle.

I want to learn about

I want to learn about

I want to learn about

and from

and from

and from





I will read every email.